Employing more than 3,500 people in the development and maintenance of the modern flexible distribution network required for a low-carbon world, the business is vital to efforts to reach net zero.It supplies sector leading customer solutions for homes and businesses, from small start-ups to large national corporates and public sector clients, across the UK.SSE Thermal comprises the business' flexible generation, energy-from-waste and energy storage activities, with over 600 employees across the UK and Ireland.Its Enterprise business provides innovative solutions to build, own, operate and maintain energy and communications infrastructure in the UK and Ireland.Through the SSE Airtricity brand it supplies green electricity, natural gas and energy-related services to homes and businesses in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.SSE became the largest officially accredited Living Wage Employer in the United Kingdom in 2013.
Global Business and Financial News, Stock Quotes, and Market Data and Analysis.We have some new features we think you'll like.This is an example of a complex marker which can contain html, video, images, css, and animations. SSE PLC is an energy company. All rights reserved.SALE OF SSE’S STAKE IN WALNEY OFFSHORE WIND FARM,Discover the world’s international exchange,What should you consider before investing,Conflict of interest policy & UK bribery act. We accept no liability for the result of any action taken on the basis of the Information or for any loss from use of this webpage.London Stock Exchange, the London Stock Exchange coat of arm device are trademarks of London Stock Exchange plc.Display price followed by previous trading day date.For Bonds - Issue date is for indicative purposes only. SSE plc: Share buyback despite continued weak trading and rising debt. Like all ChartIQ markers, the object itself is managed by the chart, so when you scroll the chart the object moves with you. SSE PLC SSE Company page - Search stock, chart, recent trades, company information, trading information, company news, fundamentals SSE plc (formerly Scottish and Southern Energy plc) is an energy company headquartered in Perth, Scotland. It is listed on the London Stock Exchange, and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index.SSE operates in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Complemented by businesses with a key role to play in enabling the net zero transition.Its subsidiaries are organised into the main businesses of renewables, electricity transmission, electricity distribution, thermal, enterprise, energy solutions and Airtricity.From onshore and offshore wind to hydro electric power, SSE Renewables develops, operates and owns the low carbon infrastructure which will support the net zero transition.SSEN Transmission plays a critical role in the transition to a low carbon future, developing, building, maintaining and operating a network for net zero. Credit Ratings, Research and Analysis for the global capital markets. We want to hear from you.Sign up for free newsletters and get more CNBC delivered to your inbox.Get this delivered to your inbox, and more info about our products and services.Data is a real-time snapshot *Data is delayed at least 15 minutes. It is also destroyed automatically for you when the symbol is changed.To set your timezone use the location button below, or scroll through the following list...Press this button to generate a shareable image:Got a confidential news tip? No responsibility is accepted by or on behalf of the LSE for any errors, omissions, or inaccurate Information on this webpage.No action should be taken or omitted to be taken in reliance upon information on this webpage. These will be displayed at the point of publication, but show the date/time of execution as with other trades.© 2020 London Stock Exchange. SSE plc Entity featured on Fitch Ratings. The Company is engaged in the generation, transmission, distribution and supply of electricity, in the production, storage, distribution and … When the traded price is any other currency then the Trade Value is displayed in that currency. As a real Living Wage and Fair Tax Mark accredited company, it employs 12,000 people across the UK and Ireland.Because of its history and location, the Hydro-Electric Board was responsible for most of the hydroelectric generating capacity in the United Kingdom.Scottish and Southern Energy was formed in September 1998, following a merger between Scottish Hydro-Electric and Southern Electric.In January 2010, Scottish and Southern Energy changed the core company branding from Scottish and Southern Energy to SSE.In November 2017, it was announced that SSE was looking to separate from its retail subsidiary which would then merge with the,In September 2019 SSE announced that it would be selling its retail business to.SSE's core focus is economically regulated electricity networks and renewables.