You are kept young in my memory. All the time, it’s encouraging to the weak, and humbling to the proud. I do believe that your kind is rare and expensive to find. Your joy radiates so much that it affects and pushes away every dull mood.


Happy birthday, mom.6. You are ever intelligent and excellent at what you and do and in whatever way you do.83. They have clung to me all my life.” –,“A mother’s happiness is like a beacon, lighting up the future but reflected also on the past in the guise of fond memories.” –.In your lifetime, you will meet a lot of women, be it friends, co-workers, or even lovers. Every feedback I get from you has been awesome and encouraging.

If you're struggling to find the words to express how you feel, don't stress.

Happy birthday, mom.

Happy birthday, ma, I do all these for you and wish to pay back in excellent quantities till you are aged.41. You birthed me as a wonderful baby, made me a lively child and groomed me into a lovely husband and father. Today is about you, and I tell you, that every day also speaks about you. Taking her birthday as an opportunity, you should give some cute wishes, prayers, messages and.The notion that only females have a tender heart is totally bias. Happy birthday to my star!46. I’m sorry for not coming to understand with you, how much you had to sacrifice for me to come to this world because I’m your son but I promise you would get paid for all the troubles.

You’re a perfect definition of a virtuous woman.

You are perfect even though you think you are not.

You have been so specially sculpted from the most beautiful resource of love. All I can say right now is that you have made most of my years on earth filled with more joy than sadness.19.

Happy birthday, mom.

Happy birthday, mom!17. On this special day of yours, I celebrate your bright-work of illumination in my life. Happy birthday, mother, enjoy your day!45. Happy birth anniversary and enjoy this day.74. I love the fact that she wanted to give birth to her own wings.” – Erica Jong I like my mom as timber loves water and sunshine. Happy birthday my legend!48. You’re a great model of good values and ethics. Mother, you are such a treasure that can’t be found on the surface. There would literally be no world. There’s no boundary to the expression of your ever warm heart. You’re the hidden strength of the family, though only a few know and appreciate this. Your qualities are unquantifiable, and surely worthy of praise and commendation. We may not have the same relationships with the woman who carried us for nine months in her womb.

I love the woman you are and pray for women like you to surround me. After all, I’m taking after your character and not the gender. Enjoy much of it and make sure to spread as much as you can. Ever at your best in whatever you do. Happy birthday to the most magical being I’ve ever met.81. You merit the title of ‘the most excellent woman and mother.’ You are the choice of every man out there. You have rocked my world with entertainment and all sorts of drama. That’s God Himself.

Once you've picked out the perfect gift for Mother's Day, don't forget to get the perfect card.Then add one of these heartfelt quote inside that sum up … You deserve help from every corner of the earth.

Such love that can stop death is what we share.

Happy birthday, mother!55. I have here for you the best collection of quotes for your mother special day. Heartfelt Thank You Quotes Wishes for Mothers Day From Daughter.

However, there’s no regret about the time, irrespective of how short it has been. Forever, my heart would honor you.

I celebrate the one who has made a rough journey look so smooth to me. You’re still like the way I’ve known you from childhood.

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