Zebra Duikers eat plants, fruits, seeds, leaves, other vegtation. Chemical Characterization of Preorbital Gland.Owen-Smith, N. 1997. Accessed September 21, 2020 at https://animaldiversity.org/accounts/Cephalophus_zebra/,This material is based upon work supported by the.The ADW Team gratefully acknowledges their support.gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate),body parts are source of valuable material,The Kingdon Field Guide to African Mammals,International Journal of Mammalian Biology,antelopes, cattle, gazelles, goats, sheep, and relatives.
It can be found only in the certain parts of West Africa: in the eastern parts of Liberia, on the Ivory Coast and in the Sierra Leone. al., 1984).Scented secretions are found in several glands on the body.
The normal social unit appears to be a breeding pair; the pair bond is reinforced with mutual rubbing, licking, and scent-marking. I love animals and I hope to share my knowledge with all of you.
The limbs are short in relation to the body.Breeding in zebra duikers occurs about once a year with a gestation period of about 221 to 229 days. Mating pairs often engage in mutual rubbing or licking of preorbital glands (Vaughan et. 0 Lots Game Farm For Sale. Not much is known about the longevity of these animals, but one wild born specimen was about 13 years old when it died in captivity. This species is thought to be territorial, and (based on heavy scars in many individuals) appears to fight quite vigorously.
No other tribe They begin behind the shoulders and end where the tail begins. Some only associate with other zebras during the breeding season. Duiker Safari in the rain forest from Liberia. They are considered a staple of the bushmeat trade, along with many monkey species.However, they are much more at risk from the continued destruction and fragmentation of its forest home. 0 Lots Duiker Red For Sale. They are very sensitive to forest disturbance, and their range - centered around Liberia - continues to decline. Their diet includes leaves, shoots, and seasonal fruits (Owen-Smith, 1997). Each stripe is widest at the spine and tapers as it runs down the flanks.The stripes on the back of the Zebra duiker are a visual defense mechanism.
Endothermy is a synapomorphy of the Mammalia, although it may have arisen in a (now extinct) synapsid ancestor; the fossil record does not distinguish these possibilities.
Although generally quiet, both sexes my make throaty grunting sounds during courtship.The zebra duiker is highly dependent on mature rainforest, and is thus one of the first species to disappear with logging. Duiker, (tribe Cephalophini), any of 17 or 18 species of forest-dwelling antelopes (subfamily Cephalophinae, family Bovidae) found only in Africa. 2000.Wilson, V., J. Schmidt, J. Hanks. It is the duikers’ ability to utilize the fruits, flowers, and leaves that rain down from the canopy that has enabled this tribe to exploit African forests by evolving different species that are specialized to subsist in virtually every type of wooded.Duikers live in monogamous pairs that jointly mark and defend their home range as a territory. Trouvez des informations sur les pilotes, logiciels, téléchargements, garanties et options de support et bien plus encore, pour vos produits Zebra. 0 Lots Duiker Common For Sale. However, two species, including the Zebra duiker remains undecided as to where they belong.Take A Bite: A Look Into the Feline Digestive System,Getting On A Cat's Nerves: A Look Into the Feline Nervous System,Feline Genetics: Types of Feline Coat Patterns and Colors (Part 1),Conservation News: Animal Abuse Records, Ivory Ban, and Tiger Temple,Conservation News: Climate Change, Antelopes, and Abalone,Feline Genetics: Types of Feline Coat Patterns and Colors (Part 2).Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. Mating pairs are also defend their territory. Due to the duiker's short stature, they are not able to forage on fruits and leaves that exist in tall trees. However, the status of two species, Aders's duiker and zebra duiker, remained dubious. On the Reproductive Biology of the Banded Duiker Cephalophus Zebra in Comparison with Other Species of Cephalophus.Vaughan, T., J. Ryan, N. Czaplewski. They have large, moist snouts and large eyes, but their ears are small compared to those of more open-living antelopes.This unique duiker is a diurnal species, meaning that they are awake during the day. In addition, zebra duikers mature slowly "suggesting that prolonged learning may be necessary for successful exploitation of a difficult environment," (Kingdon, 1997).Zebra duikers are fruit and foliage browsers. A hybrid between a zebra duiker and a blue duiker lived 20.3 years .
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