Instead, the backfill is compacted by pressurized water applied to the bottom of the fill with a probe. De-Watering … SIGNIFICANT HAZARDS / RISKS PERSONS at RISK B e f o r e m i t i g a t i o n H i g h M e d i u m L o w (H M L) ACTIONS REQUIRED TO REDUCE OR CONTROL RISKS ACTION BY: WHEN BY: A f t e r m i t i g a t i o n H i g h M e d i u m L o w (H M L) 1 Electric Connection Electric shock … Filling and compacting trenches for utility lines involves special considerations.After soil is backfilled into a trench, the loose material is.Soil is typically backfilled in layers or lifts. Fill material around pipe shall be laid for thickness not exceeding 150 before compaction and shall continue to a finished thickness of 250 mm above the crown of the pipes unless otherwise mentioned in the approved drawings. The granular bedding material for French drains shall be 20mm nominal size single size coarse aggregate.3. Ascertain if the excavation and/or trench is a confined space. If … Note more than 10% (by weight) of the granular material shall pass 5mm BS Sieve.e. Backfilling is the process of putting the soil back into a trench or foundation once excavation, and the related work has been completed. Backfilling is the process of putting the soil back into a trench or foundation once excavation, and the related work has been completed. Plant Precaution. g Fuel Storage. Page Number 1 of 3 TASK SPECIFIC RISK ASSESSMENT SHEET TASK: EXCAVATION, PIPE LAYING AND BACKFILLING Item No.

Screening of excavated materials shall be carried out by using shovel & excavator bucket near the stockpiles allotted by Client. This method statement defines the methodology for execution of backfilling and compaction procedure related to earthwork & to describe the sequence of activities, utilization of resources, documents & drawings involved, maintaining & recording documents & data to meet project specific & contractual obligations and risk assessment for the activities involved. This method statement defines the methodology for execution of backfilling and compaction procedure related to earthwork & to describe the sequence of activities, utilization of resources, documents & drawings involved, maintaining & recording documents & data to meet project specific & contractual obligations and risk assessment for the activities involved. Title of method statement: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PROCEDURES DURING PIPE LAYING AT CRAIGENDORAN RISING MAIN. The Project Manager shall be responsible for the ensuring that the Project Quality plan and the Inspection and Testing procedures, method statement, HSE safety and all contractual documentation are maintained up to date and accessible to all parties.Responsible for overall construction activities ensuring that all method statement, quality, and safety procedures are implemented and required approval permits are obtained.Supervise operations in accordance with the approved Method Statement, shop drawings, specifications, material submittals and schedules to achieve the acceptance of the project deliverables.Supervise closely, the activities designated to them and ensure that all instructions and safety procedure are followed and strictly adhered to.Carry out pre-construction survey to fix the locations and corresponding elevations as per the approved shop drawings.Maintain and use Surveying equipment. The mixing shall be done by paddle or pan type mixer or batch mixer as approved by Engineer.Note: QCS 2010 (Qatar Construction Specifications 2010) is used as reference here.8. In no case, the filling material shall be deposited more than 250 mm unconsolidated thickness.c. The risk assessment should take into account the weight of the plant or vehicle involved as well as the type of soil and weather conditions. Scope of works The task involves the installation of HDPE Rising Main and includes the following works: Re-Fuelling. Minimize plant and equipment movement near trench or excavations. The backfill process requires skills and heavy equipment as well as knowledge of the specifications, contract requirements, and soil conditions. The general process follows three steps that are repeated until the backfill are is at grade level:Water jetting is a backfilling technique that does not involve mechanical compaction. Risk Assessment - Backfilling Around Foul Sewer and Storm Warter Manholes - Free download as Excel Spreadsheet (.xls / .xlsx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. The backfill process requires skills and heavy equipment as well as knowledge of the specifications, contract requirements, and soil conditions. There are a few common methods of backfilling and compacting backfill. Assist Surveyors in taking measurements, record measurements manually or electronically, and peg out boundaries.Ensure enforcement of safety procedures in accordance with the approved HSE Plan.The first aider responds promptly when requested, operate with competence, know how to secure additional help when needed, reports incidents and actions taken and comply with requirements for certification.10 or 14 mm single sized or 14 – 15 mm graded aggregate,10m 14 or 20 mm single sized or 15–5 or 20–5 mm graded aggregate,Tensile Strength (200mm width) ASTM D1682,QCS 2010,  Section 1, part 8, page 38, Cl 4.02,Permissible Maximum Size of Soil Particles (mm),Grading Requirement (Soil Passing the 0.075mm sieve).

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