The PS3 version was never developed!I could care less at this point. It's ****ing Katamari Damacy. This exciting new installment in the series comes packed with new visual effects, a new gameplay system, exclusive features for PlayStation 3 and more.
I wonder what their next accomplishment will be.Pleeeeease be true!
HOnestly, the same creator isn't even behind this title. JavaScript is disabled. The main addition in this one, is that you get to play constantly from microscopic to earth size katamari. You know, to be quite honest, Beautiful Katamari probably fits the PS3 better than the 360, because of the motion controls. Namco would have a much better chance of profiting from the game if it were on all systems. MoneyHats is for the lazy....Who would moneyhat this? Beautiful Katamari has gained extra attention because it was originally scheduled as a PlayStation 3 title in addition to the Xbox 360, but development on … THey've put no effort into doing anything new with the game, and they'll probably plan on charging full retail ($60) for it. However, sources close to Namco Bandai tell IGN that the studio ran into some trouble with the port of the game to PlayStation 3 and these issues, coupled with the stalled sales of the system, have led to the project's quiet cancellation. Even in 720, it's not exactly pushing any game system. Anyway, this isn't about hating on the PS2, but rather how I'm glad to experience potentially awesome games I missed last generation.The title cannot be ported?
Both systems boast some new hardware that can really further advance the series.How could they have trouble porting a game like Katamari Dama...Oh, we really didn't see this one coming.That's a conspiracy. Nothing from Beautful Katamari leads me to believe that the Wii cannot handle the game.I think PS3 and Wii should get slightly different versions of Katamari. "Beautiful Clump Spirit"), is a video game by Namco Bandai for the Xbox 360 during the holiday season of 2007. In previous game, you had separate levels, where you were getting bigger and bigger Katamari from the start, in BK, there's one level.The only people who care are on gaf. I remember Edge talking about it last issue.Given that the title cannot be ported from Xbox 360, the game is being re-concepted for Wii.Wii version rumours existed before the title was even announced.That was sure to come.
2, it can't possibly be costing that much money to make a version of the game for all three systems. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding.Namco Bandai revealed earlier this year that it was developing the next-generation Katamari Damacy sequel, Beautiful Katamari, for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. 3, I sincerely doubt that Namco wasn't making a Wii version in the first place.You must log in or register to reply here. That would be awesome.I'm pretty cut about this. Given how well sixaxis and motion control seems suited to the task of pushing around a katamari....I'll be really pissed if this doesn't see a release on the PS3. I spent $50 on the last TWO combined, and I'm not going to invest money in this crappy cash scheme for Namco to bank off of. I'd have bought a PS2, but my brother already had two of his die and I'm really hesitant to buy things that I don't think will last long. Artist, designer, and creator of the previous Katamari Damacy titles, Keita Takahashi, was not involved with Beautiful Katamari, which was directed by Me & My Katamari co-lead game designer Jun Moriwaki. Given that the title cannot be ported from Xbox 360, the game is being re-concepted for Wii.So even if the PS3 version isn't cancelled, if a Wii version were to come out, IGN could still claim to be right? Looking to better-than-expected sales of Wii, the company has, say insiders, re-shifted resources to ready a Wii build of Beautiful Katamari instead. If it sold like crap on the ps2, it ain't gonna do good on the 360.The Wii seems to be a perfect fit for this game. Some jaw dropping media from PS3 games, some other good news, and then rumorgedon commence with all the negative one can gather in this world.Now we know what the Frame City Killer team has been up to. As pointed out, this series doesn't sell at all.i can see microsoft moneyhatting this -- they need games that depart from traditional xbox themes, and katamari has (or once had) a kind of hipness and cachet.If true, that PS3 part doesn't make ANY sense. Click to create and send a link using your email application Select wood, comic, classic or new default graphic filters, and use your SIXAXIS controller to jump your Katamari with the new Prince Hop action. I'd definitely check this out on the Wii for like $30. GG IGN!You know, to be quite honest, Beautiful Katamari probably fits the PS3 better than the 360, because of the motion controls.