A higher level of risk could bring the potential for greater return on your money, but there is also a greater chance the value of your investment could go down.Before investing, you need to consider not only what you want to gain and how long you want to invest for, but also how much you can afford to lose if the markets were to drop significantly.Equities, stocks and shares are all words used to describe owning a stake in a company.When you buy shares, you’re effectively taking ownership of a small part of a particular company.Investors buy and sell equity in the form of ‘shares’. As soon as the process is complete, you’ll be able to sell your shares if you want to.Although investing is often seen as long-term commitment, you can withdraw your money whenever you need to. It then pools that money to buy and sell a wide range of shares and assets.When you buy shares in an investment trust, you buy shares in that company. HSBC InvestDirect a division of HSBC Securities (Canada) Inc. To:SBC InvestDirectH 381 Steeles Ave. East, Suite 3003 oronto, ON M2H 3S7T Fax: 1-866-336-8471 Email: Investdirect@hsbc.ca In this form, the words “I”, “me” and “my” mean the Client and any Co-Applicant Client.

... Further information on how to complete an InvestDirect International application form Portfolio form Important notice - We have changed the way you access InvestDirect. Products and services may vary by state and are not available in all states. And you should plan to hold an investment for at least 5 years.You never know what life has in store so it’s good to keep some cash at the ready in case of emergencies. x�`��cL֧�Ƙ��T=��BR(1I�b�ђ*�Ф9DK��-M�i��J�#���9D��# ���UEU'�43�H�H�,��6�J�_��q`����N�~t|I�qqN�{���8�o��6mI�Q"y�@A�{�[����z��f�w�j�We�}ɻG������'���AVhPWYb�k18�Ks��P���mnh���}d��ݵ���r�"���\�]^K�Wʍ8��i^^�u#��2#m�3�(qF�"-o 뒝� ߛ����9�h� K���v>8u���fN[�-�s�b߫q,N�@$"F���E#Z1w���kGI_���Ad����W��;AG4'#��i�t�[����ԍswp�U�'�=�r��ۖ-/�I�֝�s�N������I�0dIt�D�/ik�fX���w]�e��'mZ��^y[�Ik�_��b�J���Y[����:�X6�~�byk�eV���V\��^���~^7-�ya��`���Oi�"e$����&F���U��b�q�j�N�kR ������š�]O|TA���q������㮭�^���~O)�n ������/Z� �Mm��4מ+���b��t1�1�������t}+�E Ȕ���V���:G�e�t����lbJ(˫�h�����L] ���W%�Im�W���h�{ј;�������KtOs[K[����#����8�����,��W����Bt,n�����:E�Vb&~.�V���A�%~Ϋ���Ƌ��6Fߋ% �rS�hu���̞U���A��i�t����;���U� h�bbd``b`� �@��$��\ $X���) "H�M�K7���� $ v3�H�L��$��A��@"�H��3012��,b`����7 �� What you have left is the amount you could potentially invest.To invest with us, you need to be an HSBC.Find out how we could help you to become a better investor.If you haven’t already subscribed to an ISA with this year’s allowance, choose an investment ISA that's right for you.If you’re not quite there yet, your next step could be to.Acting now doesn’t need to be hard if you follow these 4 step.Good things happen when you put your principles into practice.Getting to grips with risk could help you to grow your money.Demystifying investing to help you get started.Not sure how to get started? To hold investments for you on a nominee name basis.} When you want to trade, you just transfer in money via online banking. If you don’t, your payment instruction may be declined.There is no trading limit – you can buy shares up to the value of whatever money you have in your Cash Account.Once you’ve opened your sharedealing account, you can apply for an InvestDirect stocks and shares ISA online. �P��o`��n����;��r���_���|� ���6���9����B2B�΅�H����6�b�S�Ewy���F����*�B8 ��PRN�;� ��d �h�; Welcome to HSBC UK banking products including current accounts, loans, mortgages, credit cards. By continuing on this website you consent to the use of these cookies. When you make an online transfer, you must put your full name (forename and surname) in the payee details. While the reference table and sample forms may provide a convenient reference, they are not to be used as a substitute for advice from your tax advisor. HSBC InvestDirect is an execution-only service. You’ll still be the beneficial owner but by holding them in an account in our name, we can take care of all the administration for you. However, please note that only the answers (and not the questions) form part of the Terms for legal purposes. If you’re not sure about whether to sell your shares, you may want to take independent advice.When you sell your assets, your proceeds will be available on the settlement date, which is determined by the market and type of asset you hold. The browser or device you are using may cause some pages to display incorrectly. If a company’s value increases, their value of the shares in that company also increase.

hެX�R�:~�}���bdɶlW�� UK and US equity trades normally settle 2 business days after the date of the trade (T+2) and gilt trades after 1 business day (T+1).If you have an InvestDirect account, the money from a sale will be transferred to your nominated HSBC account in the evening of the settlement date. Through our global network, we can connect you with a world of opportunities – so you can broaden your horizons with a mix of investments.It’s easy to get in touch online. If you hold an InvestDirect account, it’s linked to your nominated HSBC UK bank account.This means when you buy or sell shares the money will automatically debit or credit your bank account on settlement date. We’re a global bank but we don’t just do banking. endstream endobj startxref To do so, just download and complete the transfer request form which you’ll find within the sharedealing section of online banking.The process normally takes 2 weeks but can depend on your current provider. %%EOF Account Update Form a division of HSBC Securities (Canada) Inc. . We’re a global bank but we don’t just do banking. HSI is an affiliate of HSBC Bank USA, N.A. Remember that exchange rate fluctuations can also cause the value of investments to go down as well as up.You can open a sharedealing account if you’re:We offer 2 accounts that provide different investment options.At no extra cost, InvestDirect Plus provides you with these added benefits:Please note, the trading reserve facility is subject to approval and we ask you to deposit at least £10,000 of eligible shares in your InvestDirect Plus account before submitting your trading reserve application.When you buy shares, we’ll hold them electronically on your behalf. 3 Aims The aims of InvestDirect and InvestDirect Plus are: } To allow you to deal in shares and/or collective investment schemes on an execution only basis either online or by telephone.}

Please return the completed form to: HSBC InvestDirect 3381 Steeles Ave. East, Suite 300 Toronto, ON M2H 3S7 List account number(s) to be updated. No. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.Listening to what you have to say about services matters to us. For a better online experience we recommend you upgrade your browser.

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