Oil rigs off the coast of Scotland are being attacked by a huge creature… The Doctor returns to Earth, responding to a summons from the Brigadier who asks him to investigate. So when the Zygons decide to make their bid for Earth from their Loch Ness base, oil rigs made a logical, topical first target. (The Doctor hides in another alcove as two Zygons … DOCTOR: Quick, back into your alcoves! Centuries ago, their spaceship was damaged, and they landed on Earth.They were waiting for rescue when they heard that their world had been destroyed in a stellar explosion. This is also a fire sensor. An alien being watches Sarah and Angus talk. Terror of the Zygons: Part 1. If I can heat it sufficiently (An alarm sounds.) DOCTOR: We've got to lure the Zygons out of the control room somehow. The three crew seem to step out of nothing. 1. Right after the crashing oil rig in the intro, the TARDIS materializes, but it's invisible! Oil, and the politics of oil, was never far from the news in the mid 1970s. We'll soon see how good their fire drill is. The Zygons spy on the Doctor.. Harry is brought to the Zygon ship deep underwater, where he meets their warlord, Broton. Episode 1 Director's Cut. The Doctor wants to know why the Brigadier has called him back. This adds back one deleted scene, totaling 1 min 43 seconds.
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