Submission details If the Journal Editor receives convincing evidence that the main substance or conclusions of an article published in the journal are incorrect, then, in consultation with the journal’s Associate Editors and/or Editorial Board and ANU Press, the Journal Editor will ensure the publication of an appropriate notice of correction. The Australian Journal of Biography and History is an initiative of the National Centre of Biography (NCB) in the Research School of Social Sciences at The Australian National University. Our focus on excellence in research and education ensures our graduates are in demand the world-over, well-prepared to address complex contemporary challenges. The second issue of the Australian Journal of Biography and History is a joint project between the National Centre of Biography at The Australian National University (ANU), and the Canberra and District Historical Society (CDHS). Please note: This journal is now published via the ANU Student Journals platform; the latest issues can be found here: 3, 2020 », Australian Journal of Biography and History: No. ANU is a world-leading university in Australia’s capital. For information on preparing your manuscript for submission, please visit Once published, each guest editor will receive 2 complimentary hardcopies of the special number. ANU Press has co-publishing agreements with a number of organisations including: the Australian Centre on China in the World; the Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research; the Australian and New Zealand School of Government; Charles Darwin University; Aboriginal History Inc.; and Social Sciences Academic Press (China). Their story is a reminder of the impact of Greek immigrants on the development of Canberra, and their willingness to work long hours to provide essential services to a population that was made up largely of government employees. craft + design enquiry investigates the contribution that contemporary craft and design makes to society, establishing a dialogue between craft and design practice and cultural, social and environmental concerns. Your browser is not supported by ANU web styles. A guest editor will write an overview editorial. In her article on the Corney family in the aftermath of World War I, Alexandra McKinnon considers the record of loss and sorrow preserved in the archives of the Australian War Memorial. Authors are, however, expected to pay where required any fees arising from using copyright works within their articles. The Editor will make all reasonable effort to process submissions on time. Submission details We are especially interested in articles that explore the way in which biography and its associated genres can illuminate themes in Australian history, including women in Australian society, family history, transnational networks and mobilities, and Indigenous history. Referencing should be done using the Chicago Manual of Style and footnotes, which follow Australian spelling. Search the Library's collection of e-journals, e-resources and databases and find subject-specific resources. The Australian National University is endowed by the nation to bring credit to Australia through the quality of its... ANU Global Engagement's responsibility is to make the work of ANU accessible to our communities. Improve your learning skills with training offered by the ANU Library and discover ways to boost your research impact. Please send article submissions to International Review of Environmental History takes an interdisciplinary and global approach to environmental history. Aboriginal History Inc. is a publishing organisation based in the Australian Centre for Indigenous History, Research School of Social Sciences, The Australian National University, Canberra. Search ANU web, staff & maps; Search current site content; Library super search; Library catalogue search; Library e-journals search Excellence is embedded in our approach to research and education. The ANU Undergraduate Research Journal presents outstanding essays taken from ANU undergraduate essay submissions. The article on André Kostermans, a renowned Dutch Indonesian botanist, is also on one level a story of shifting identity. Westlaw has a large collection of international and Australian newspapers and news sources including: The Washington Post ; The Boston Globe; The Globe & Mail; … To submit a manuscript to Human Ecology Review, please visit, or email Merici is the multidisciplinary undergraduate academic journal of the residential college Ursula Hall and publishes outstanding academic works from the community. Authors are invited to submit articles, notes or book reviews, but are encouraged to discuss their ideas with the Editor beforehand. It publishes on all thematic and geographic topics of environmental history, but especially encourage articles with perspectives focused on or developed from the southern hemisphere and the ‘global south’. The journal also publishes essays, discussion papers, dialogue, and commentary on special topics relevant to human ecology (Human Ecology Forum), book reviews (Contemporary Human Ecology), and letters, announcements, and other items of interest (Human Ecology Bulletin). If the Journal Editor receives a credible allegation of misconduct by an author, reviewer, or editor, then they have a duty to investigate the matter with ANU Press, in consultation with relevant Associate Editors and members of the Editorial Board. Similarly, Nancy Atkinson, a pioneering bacteriologist at the University of Adelaide, was not only a scientific researcher of note but a teacher of generations of graduate students. ANU is a world-leading university in Australia’s capital. ANU eView publishes a range of materials including conference papers, student journals, republications of important academic works and other internally referred University material. [2][3], ANU Press is multidisciplinary; it has 24 subject-specific editorial boards to evaluate monograph submissions and publishes 10 journals covering a wide range of disciplines. Any material that has been previously published • acknowledging any external research grants/conflicts of interest as opening and... Or new issues works, serials and journals are published under Creative Commons 4.0! Serials and journals published by the Press are available to purchase in copy. Wherever possible postgraduate students are particularly encouraged works from the community details for information on preparing manuscript. Reasonable effort to process submissions on time substantiated, the Australian National University, Canberra Provider. The formation of identity more than 200 words, and include a list of.. Methods, while still recognising the importance of locality in understanding these global processes edited by ANU affiliated researchers authors. 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