Due to this, incorporating high repetition days into your program is necessary. 1rm calculators arent very accurate with reps over 4 so keep that in mind.Cut down to 8% @151lbs. For example, do five sets of three to four reps where the weight is heavy enough that you could only perform three or four reps before failure. The Colts safety tore his Achilles in Sunday's 28-11 win over the Vikings, Ian Rapoport reports. For example, if a player performed 24 reps at 225 pounds, you could predict he his 1RM would be approximately 385 pounds. The average weight most adult men and women can bench press depends on age, fitness level, and other factors. Either way, Blaine’s 52 reps is 3 beyond the NFL Combine record of 49 reps set by Stephen Paea of Oregon St. Blaine had a very simple approach to his training, just following his usual heavy training (Blaine has a best raw meet bench of 473) and then performing one all out drop set with 185-265 pounds. Show Printable Version; 01-30-2003, 01:33 PM #1. The opinions presented do not encourage the use of illegal substances nor take the place of professional medical advice.Ph.D. It tests both their overall strength as well as their endurance.During this time of year at the Fischer Institute, I am fortunate enough to help a few of college football's best prepare for the NFL Combine. Each rest pause set is comprised of 3 smaller sets, this is done to extend your rep capacity through the use of short rest periods. Begin by performing pushups with your feet elevated on a 6-12” box until you can only do 2-3 more reps, continue to do pushups with your feet and hands on the ground until you can do 1-2 more reps, continue by doing pushups with your feet on the ground and your hands up on the box that your feet were previously on. Rack the weight and rest 7-10 minutes. All rights reserved. The following browsers are supported: Chrome, Edge (v80 and later), Firefox and Safari. The proper setup requires the athlete to tuck his feet behind his knees (but be able to push into the floor), contract his shoulder blades together, grip the bar a little wider than shoulder width, be far enough down on the bench so the bar is inline with his forehead and tuck his elbows as close as possible to his torso. Rack the weight and rest 7-10 minutes.

When I was repping 185 my max was 220. For most athletes training for a combine-type test, the 225 bench press test is an endurance test not a strength test. A quick rule of thumb for an overset is to do a weight that is no more than 70 percent of your one rep max. You should rest long enough so that you can replicate your efforts in the next 2 sets, so if you did 30 reps on your first set you should be around 30 reps, +/-2 reps, in the following sets. Try this warmup structure…,Bar x50 (10 reps at 5 different grips working from close to wide),135x2x5, 1 set at a regular tempo and 1 set explosively,245-315×1, use a heavier weight the stronger you are but don’t let it be over 75% of your max, if 225 is over 70-75% of your max,        then you wont perform this over set,Developing great lactic capacity requires the athlete to be able to exceed their current abilities. View Profile The Russian Strength Seminar was …,Check out the best training advice ever received by Team Juggernaut and Juggernaut's fans and readers on Facebook and Twitter We talk about periodization, and various aspects of periodization, as if they’re mutually exclusive. For example, an athlete whose one rep max is 330 pounds would have an overset weight for one rep of 230 pounds (330 x .70 = 230).Once this warm up is completed, start the test in eight to 10 minutes.Even though the 225 pound bench press test is an endurance strength test, I recommend that an athlete must also become an overall stronger bencher to improve his performance in the drill.

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