It’s like he’s trying to spite Gigi by dating Sibongile, who is Gigi’s best friend.”,A third source says infidelity ruined their marriage: “While Tokelo was abroad he was often told about Gigi’s cheating ways, and in return he was always paying flights for Noma to Turkey, and she got pregnant.”,A fourth source said: “Sibongile’s relationship with Tokelo has been on since he and Gigi got married.”.Sibongile refused to comment and hung up the phone.
This after Arthur approached the Joburg High Court to get an...Transportation officials in the UK have warned commuters not to use live snakes as face coverings, after a bus passenger was spotted with a...This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. .In September last year, Sunday Sun reported that Rantie had replaced his wife Gigi Pule with Sibongile.PICS: THREE TEENS KILLED IN HORROR CRASH!PRESIDENT RAMAPHOSA IS RECOVERING FROM ILLNESS,© 2020 (20200312.3-Release-45) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Cops took me to the doctor for further check-ups.â.Sibongile said even after she opened the case, Rantie didnât stop harassing her.âLast week, I went to get a protection order against him.â.Sibongileâs cousin Martin Mofokeng backed up her story, saying Rantie has been abusing Sibongile.âHeâs very abusive this guy. “I woke up the next day and went to open a case at Parys Police Station. Mamba Sibonele: Location: Mother: Father: Social worker: 2005-03-31 Gxako loc, Mount Fletcher Joja Sibongile Mamba Viwe N.J Mbobo 37. Heâs been abusing our cousin. “The judgment does not specify how many grams of cannabis can a person use or have in private,” said Zondo DCJ.Parliament has two years in which to change the laws to correct the invalidity of the various provisions found to be unconstitutional, Justice Zondo explained that individuals are allowed to smoke privately in their own home pending such amendments.Enter your email address to subscribe to our website and receive notifications of Latest Gossip News via email.Enter your email address to subscribe to Celeb Gossip and receive notifications of Latest News via email.Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Join Facebook to connect with Sibongile Khote and others you may know. Finally, and after years of legal battle, South Africans have been given clarity on the issues around the legalisation of marijuana for private use after a ruling today in the Constitutional Court.Today’s judgment has its roots in a 2017 ruling in the Western Cape High Court which found that the possession, growing and consumption of marijuana should be allowed at home for private use was allowed. It will not be a criminal offence for an adult person to use or be in possession of cannabis in private space,” read the ruling.However, the amount of dagga that can be claimed to be for personal use, consumption or cultivation has not been defined, with the court affirming that that determination is for the legislature to arrive at. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Fame and...A soldier was charged with attempted murder and arrested following his appearance in the Morebeng Magistrates Court on Friday. A charge of assault has been reportedly opened against Bafana Bafana striker Tokelo Rantie by his girlfriend Sibongile Khote. Sibongile said she fainted as a result of the beating. 'It's true Ace Magashule and Jacob Zuma are plotting to remove President Cyril Ramaphosa',Soccer star Tokelo Rantie replaces Diski Divas ex-wife Gigi Pule with her BEST FRIEND Sibongile Khothe,Mixed reactions over South Africa's first Xhosa maths paper,Panel Beater Wanted – Salary R12 000 – Follow link to apply,Mampintsha dragged for stealing Babes Wodumo's spotlight,Arthur Mafokate who helped ex-girlfriend Cici get rich wants a share of her fortune,Drama as man uses a snake as face mask on a bus. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience.#Concourt BREAKING NEWS: Celebration as The Constitutional Court decriminalises #Dagga.This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Sibongile Khote is on Facebook.
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