– Uvoz i prodaja rabljenih vozila,REVIZIJA DERVI d.o.o. Za pozive iz inozemstva: + 387 33 222 999 + 387 (0) 36 312 112: Fax +387 (0) 36 356 227: E-mail: info@unicreditgroup.ba: Web stranica: https://www.unicredit.ba: Facebook stranica: Facebook Check the UNCRBA22XXX SWIFT / BIC code details below. Kartice. 0 3. Loss / stealing of card is possible to report also in the UniCredit Bank branch offices. We are at your disposal for any question and support. When you can't find the code for your specific branch, you can use the bank’s primary office swift.When you send money internationally, you need a SWIFT/BIC code. Svoj poslovni uspjeh temelji na kontinuiranom podizanju kvalitete usluga i kreiranju proizvoda prema potrebama financijskog tržišta, pri čemu u središte svog poslovanja uvijek stavlja klijenta.ADMINISTRATIVNE I POMOĆNE USLUŽNE DJELATNOSTI,FINANSIJSKE DJELATNOSTI I DJELATNOSTI OSIGURANJA,Istraživanje tržišta i ispitivanje javnog mijenja,PROIZVODNJA I SNABDIJEVANJE ELEKTRIČNOM ENERGIJOM, PLINOM, PAROM I KLIMATIZACIJA,PROMOCIJA (REKLAMA I PROPAGANDA) I ISTRAŽIVANJE TRŽIŠTA,Putničke agencije, turoperatori i ostale rezervacijske usluge,RAČUNOVODSTVENO, KNJIGOVODSTVO I REVIZIJA,Restorani i ostali objekati za pripremu i usluživanje hrane,Skladištenje i pomoćne djelatnosti u prijevozu,SNABDIJEVANJE VODOM, UKLANJANJE OTPADNIH VODA, UPRAVLJANJE OTPADOM, SANACIJA OKOLIŠA,Trgovina alatima, mašinama, opremom i priborom,Trgovina dijelovima i priborom za motorna vozila,TRGOVINA I POPRAVAK MOTORNIH VOZILA I MOTOCIKALA,Trgovina opremom za grijanje, vodu i sanitarijama,Trgovina računarima, telefonima, perifernom opremom i softverom,UniCredit Bank d.d. Saznaj više . Humanitarne akcije. SARAJEVO: SARAJEVO: UBKSBA22: 26: VAKUFSKA BANKA DD SARAJEVO: SARAJEVO: VAKUBA22: 27: ZIRAATBANK BH D.D. Branches ATM; Contacts; Exchange rates; EURIBOR LIBOR; Find the closest branch. UniCredit Bank: Naziv djelatnosti: Bankarske usluge: Adresa: Kardinala Stepinca b.b 88 000 Mostar, BiH: Telefon: 080 081 051 (besplatni tel.) – Agencija za ispitivanje javnog mijenja, istraživanje tržišta i konsalting,Kardinala Stepinca b.b 88 000 Mostar, BiH.
– Društvo za ekonomske usluge i promet,TNS MIB – Agencija za istraživanje tržišta, javnog mijenja i medija,Custom Concept d.o.o. Get a free multi-currency account to hold and manage your money in multiple currencies, and convert it when the rate is right. In Hungary UniCredit Bank offers comprehensive and flexible financial products and services under favourable conditions to private customers as well as small and medium size enterprises and large corporates.
- Sarajevo je sa UniCredit Bank d.d. Pogodnosti sa karticama. Without it, your bank can't identify the exact bank where the money needs to be sent.Europe, Middle East and Caribbean countries have adopted the use of International Bank Account Number (IBAN) for international funds transfers. These codes are used when transferring money between banks, for international wire transfers or SEPA payments.SWIFT code, BIC code, SWIFT ID or SWIFT - BIC (,The overlapping issue between ISO 9362 and.All the information published on this website is strictly for personal use only and should never be used without verification, on any type of transaction. Intervju / Amina Mahmutović: UniCredit banka je odobrila moratorij na 434 miliona KM. They should be able to give you the right information.Please remember to always confirm the correct swift code with the bank or recipient before sending or receiving any money.UNICREDIT BANK - UNCRBA22 - Swift Code Details,Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication,International Organization for Standardization. Elektroprivreda i UniCredit Bank: E-uplatnica za brže i jeftinije plaćanje računa JP Elektroprivreda BiH d.d. Zaposleni UniCredit Bank Banja Luka i UniCredit Fondacija pomogli su Crveni krst Republike Srpske sa 35.000 KM. Being able to check information about the code will provide you with the proper information necessary to make or receive payments. Trusted by millions, fully regulated, so your money’s safe and secure.A SWIFT code is a set of 8 or 11 digits that uniquely identify a bank branch. 8.5.2020. For professional use, you must subscribe to the SWIFT Online directories at the SWIFT website. Swift Code UNCRBA22 is the unique bank identifier for UNICREDIT BANK's head office branch located in MOSTAR - BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA and it's used to verify financial transactions such as a bank wire transfers (international wire transfers). Kreditiranje. – Agencija za poslovanje nekretninama,BELLISSIMA D.O.O. – Proizvodnja cijepanog ogrijevnog drveta,Auto Salon KRAMAR d.o.o.