Social media can be a great way to get your customers involved and really create conversations with your target audience. Think Mad Libs, if you want your customers to get creative or humorous. And most importantly, run it all by your legal team long before you start your contest!Of course, contests are just one way to build buzz about your event. But you can make it even more interesting by just doing those giveaways at random and surprising your followers with those prizes or opportunities periodically.You can also use photos as an integral part of contests on Facebook and.Or you could challenge your customers to submit a photo that shows just how much they love your product or brand. Here are six ways to structure social media contests:: Sweepstakes are a quick, easy, and familiar way to collect entries and email addresses of potential attendees. All rights reserved.PA Marketing Company Launches Livestreaming Social Media Talk Show,Turn Ideas into Products, Find the Right Social Media Management and More,Get Customers to Buy from Facebook Using These Tactics.Is Social Media Customer Care Already on the Decline?Stories of Resilience: Mark Cuban Shares Small Business Advice.There's a new reality in the business world - the hybrid work environment. Each business will post a photo alerting their followers of the giveaway and then direct their followers to the next business so that they can follow and like or comment in order to enter. : Ask followers to retweet (RT) a specific tweet to enter to win. Also, while it’s always important for your team members to know what’s required of them, it’s even more important that they have the desire to supply it. Employees who reach a certain benchmark of success (a certain number of ‘highly satisfied’ customers or a specific amount of accumulated points) will be entered into a raffle for a large, buzzworthy reward item.Ideas could include a weekend hotel stay, concert tickets, or a sizable cash prize. You can ask them to vote on new flavors, colors, or other product customizations and then award voters or people who share ideas at random.OMG i never thought about it.. Thats actually a great idea. Creative social media contest ideas. Maybe take a photo of some of your inventory and ask customers how many of a particular product they see.Contests can also be a great way for you to gather feedback about your products or services. For those businesses looking for a simple, fun contest idea, consider a caption contest. Never thought there were so many contest ideas,Kā izveidot veiksmīgu sociālo tīklu konkursu? Daily Perks. And if followers share your posts, it extends your reach exponentially, because their friends will now see it as well. Fill-in-the-Blank Contests. Thanks for the wonderful piece of article.Nice idea. Each day, decide on a challenge, such as positive feedback, high-quality scores, or fast handling times.Then, write a message telling what the day’s challenge is.
Those eliminated are placed together to make a new team for the next day’s challenge.This call center version of Survivor keeps everyone involved and working with different agents that they might not ordinarily interact with. The entire giveaway didn’t cost a Dollar with mailing expense.This is all which I was looking for. And while contests, as a rule, are fairly low-maintenance, they still require some upfront work that’s well worth the effort. So on Twitter, you could ask customers to retweet a particular post and then choose a winner by going through the retweeters. This way you incentivize employees to keep working hard to increase their odds more and more for each cycle.Use the self-contained environment of the call center to recreate a game of Survivor. Don’t forget to have an awards ceremony to honor the top three winners!This inspires your team to work together.
Then, hide the prize or a picture of the prize somewhere in your call center.Each day, select 5 agents who perform best on the metric you specify and give them clues. Choose a comment randomly to award a winner.Another great way to increase your reach online is to partner with other businesses. The teams meet at the beginning of each shift to plan their strategy for the upcoming challenge.At the end of the shift, the team that comes in first gets a reward or point towards the final prize. – Digitālā mārketinga aģentūra Top Media,Your email address will not be published. You can ask your followers to submit photos or even just comment on a post. The right tool can make it easier to manage.Each social platform has different rules regarding contests., for example, doesn’t allow you to require that people share content to their walls. ".© Copyright 2003 - 2020, Small Business Trends LLC. ), but you can’t be online twenty-four hours a day. We’ve divided these contests by the type of campaigns our Timeline Contest Manager offers. This can be done on Facebook, but it’s also a really easy way to hosts promotions on Instagram. Fill in the blank contest. Then ask customers to share their ideas for funny or interesting captions and award the best one.You could use that same type of idea, but without the need for a photo, with a fill-in-the-blank contest. For example, here are some KPIs you could choose for the contest:Or the Highest number of positive responses that an agent has scored in a day.The daily perks can include anything from a gourmet coffee drink, lottery tickets, a gift card, funny socks, or an extra break.In this spin on a classic game, each customer support employee receives a bingo card, and as agents make calls they get to mark off spaces on the card for things like, “obtained a lead,” “spoke with five people with the last name beginning with the letter ‘V’,” and so on.
Just post a funny or unique photo to share on your Facebook page. The more clues they get, the closer they get to finding the prize. Daily Perks is one of the simplest of all the customer support contest ideas. Here is our list of 27 online business ideas for 2020: 1.
This helps them to create a good bond with their colleagues and improves your workplace culture.At the end of the contest, the team with the most points gets call center incentives.Compliment calls are usually few and far between. We talk a lot about how to start a blog on this website, and for good reason.