Indeed some of the ten plagues were with respect to the other idols of the Egyptians (frogs, river Nile, wild animals for example). Of course, Sheep people have their flaws. While we commonly think sheep are only naïve and obedient, that is not exactly the case.Sheep are not always so easy to deal with and they do not necessarily act calmly and friendly in relation with humans.However, most of the time, they are calm. Rams, seen as a … They would never ever leave a person they consider their friend. They metaphorically represent those who know their place.These animals also stand for being modest, humble and not seeking much from life. Remains of mummified rams have been found in Khnum’s temple.The lamb in the context of the Passover story was a god (amongst many) for the Egyptians. They were to hold it for four days, from the tenth until the fourteenth of the first month, and slaughter it on the fourteenth. They do not despair in advance or worry too much.If they have set their mind on something, they will work on it with passion and dedication.They are generally emotionally stable and not known to lose temper. If you stand out of the mass, you are a black sheep. He was said to be responsible for the level of the Nile and the silt that was deposited from the river’s flooding. They are capable of embracing life the way it is, but they would always work on making sure themselves and their loved ones are provided with what they need.The difference lies in what are they satisfied with; they do not need much to feel happy.Sheep people value family and friends above everything else. Sheep tote, teaches us peace, patience and calmness.People guided by this totem are friendly, sociable individuals who hate to be alone. If you get to make them angry, that is as if you have awakened a volcano.These generally calm, down to the ground and non-aggressive people could become truly unrecognizable if angry. However, in most of situations, their good intentions and positive approach works fine. Considering verse 26:26 And Moses said: ‘It is not meet so to do; for we shall sacrifice the abomination of the Egyptians to the LORD our God; lo, if we sacrifice the abomination of the Egyptians before their eyes, will they not stone us? Some people depend on these amazing animals, while most of us usually take sheep for granted, even if we eat sheep cheese and yogurt, wear soft and worm wool cardigans and coats and so on.Sheep are sometimes seen dumb or stupid animals and we usually use them as a metaphor for a person that blindly follows a leader, a concept or else.This idea of community and unity is symbolically dual. To this day Jews commemorate this event, calling the Sabbath preceding Passover Shabbat Hagadol – “The Great Sabbath” – for the Egyptians were powerless to do anything to harm them or to prevent them from sacrificing the Egyptian gods.Egyptian mythology confirms this. Sheep, goat or ram in Chinese zodiac is a fortunate sign, associated with quietness, calmness, patience and peace.As you probably know, sheep is considered a positive symbol in the Bible. He would watch over them and make sure they stay safe from predators, such as wolves, severe weather conditions and evil spirits.In the Bible, sheep are mentioned over five hundred times, more than any other animal!Having in mind that sheep were very important for Hebrew agriculture, it is not strange at all.Sheep are commonly found as a motif in art, while Christ is often portrayed as a shard with sheep or carrying a lamb. Black sheep motif is a common metaphor for anything and anyone that does not fit in. Sheep represent the power that only a group of individuals could grow.On a negative side, the same concept represents lacking individualism and falling for causes you do not even understand.These quiet and generally non-aggressive animals symbolize peace and harmony. In the first place.Sheep totem makes us realize life is simple and that its simplicity is what makes it beautiful. Black sheep symbolizes contradiction, resistance and argument.On a positive side, a black sheep could be interpreted as something remarkably unique, extravagant, something and someone who dares to step beyond borders.On a negative side, it represents negativity, bad luck, not being able to fit in, feeling abandoned and alone.Sheep totem is an interesting one, having in mind our ambivalent thoughts on these animals.However, Sheep totem offers some amazing gifts. These animals are social and they live in large groups.They embody the idea of the strength of a community. They are known to be loyal and understanding friends.Sheep people sometimes appear naïve and they really could be like that. They are true extroverts and their energy comes from communicating with others and sharing their experiences.They need others’ care and love and they do not think twice about sharing what they have to offer with others. They are seen as motifs on beautifully illuminated manuscripts from early medieval period, on amazing stained glass decorations of cathedral windows, on ancient mosaics, as well as in paintings of great renaissance masters, in works of Asian painters, in romanticism era works, as well as in contemporary art.All these pieces of art are a testimony of true importance of sheep symbolism in human world.In ancient mythological systems, sheep are associated with many things and they play important cultural and legendary roles.One of the most widely known Greek mythology tale is that of Jason and the Golden Fleece.This legend is particularly old and it has different versions. Ultimately, the Torah tells us, God commanded the Israelites to take a lamb or a kid for each household. Sheep are symbol for something opposite of ambition, not necessarily in a negative way. It needs protection, care and love, otherwise, it cannot survive. Sheep has been domesticated by humans since the early Stone Age.This animal is present in some of the earliest mythological systems and represents an important symbol in various cultures. The answer to the rhetorical question asked by Moshe causes us to consider what would the basis be for the Egyptians to stone the Israelites, if not for Israelites sacrificing the god of the Egyptians?Please log in using one of these methods to post your comment:Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.Rabbi Yisroel Blumenthal’s Review of TROTKP,‘rabbi’ Shapira and Spiritual Responsibility,A timely reminder in time for Passover | Menashe's Blog,Leaven A La Carmen Welker | Menashe's Blog.Create a free website or blog at
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